Enterprise Interoperability



Complex API and Data Orchestration

Enterprise integration leverages APIs and data from disparate application investments. Our platform and expertise accelerates the implementation of complex orchestration and decision logic while providing flexibility for ongoing growth and expansion.



Data flows that anticipate change

Adaptability to the changing needs of the enterprise requires an interoperability architecture that can deliver rapid results. Enterprise applications and data standards continue to evolve,  your enterprise interoperability must support that evolution. Our platform enables rapid configuration of evolving and expanded use cases.


Purpose Built Components (PBCs) enable rapid prototyping of complex workflows.

Configurable pre-built components, requiring no coding, provide most of the functionality for your workflows. The HealthLX platform is built on the concept of composability and capturing repeatable design patterns as configurable PBCs. The library of PBCs can efficiently be expanded to provide “custom fit” capabilities that align to your unique needs.


Leverage modern interoperability techniques in your complex healthcare ecosystem.

HealthLX offers a new standard of interoperability solutions to healthcare. We champion open-source design, guaranteeing adaptability and cost savings. Our solution eliminates expensive “rip and replace” approaches by connecting legacy data systems to new technologies. 


Our client’s currently on the PAAS offering are able to bridge to the broader use of our enterprise interoperability platform. This allows us to provide operational oversight of all dataflows working within the enterprise, to provide confidence in the operations of all internal systems interactions. 

Simple. The architecture of a platform should be simple enough to be comprehensible, at least at a high level of abstraction. 

Resilient. Our goal in creating a resilient ecosystem is to stabilize interfaces in subsystems that do not change over time. (i.e. Canonicals for Clinical & Claims data sharing)

Maintainable. Designing for maintainability increases a platform’s composability, which also increases the capacity to integrate with new apps. 

Evolvable. The capacity to create future features that it was not originally designed to do. (Modularly designed platforms must scale and adjust to new data definitions, i.e. USCDI v4, new ICD-10 Codes, FHIR v5, CCDA, etc.) 

The tools in our tool belt. 

Composable Automation™ Platform

A powerful data integration platform designed to automate the flow of data between systems in real time. The engine empowers organizations to easily and securely move, transform, and process data across disparate sources, making it an essential tool for any data-driven business.

Workflow Editor

A web-based flow builder with intuitive, clear interfaces to build simple or complex workflows by placing, connecting, and configuring available components. With its intuitive user interface and drag-and-drop functionality, no coding is required unless significant client-specific customizations are needed.

Monitor Console

A single-screen visualization of all flows running in an instance of the Platform, showing metrics and offering drill-down visibility of load, performance, statistics, and error information.  Every stage of every message is monitored, including provenance, and exceptions can be viewed in isolation.


Alerts & Notifications Module

The Core platform includes deep, precise monitoring of all events and all data flowing through the system. The Events and Notifications module enables creating triggers and actions based on any of that information – business events, data content, attributes, system events, unexpected events that did not happen – at any level desired. Dependency management is also provided, to prevent cascading messages from a root cause event.

Purpose-Built Components™

Configurable pre-built components available to be placed on workflow palettes as needed, and dropped into place in any flows that need them. PBCs require no coding and can be configured to support multiple workflow implementations. PBCs are provided as HLX products or custom components can efficiently be created for your unique requirements. With appropriate licensing, your developers can also create new components to handle specific needs that arise.