
Composable Automation™ Platform

Our healthcare expertise and focus on composable architecture with Purpose-Built Components™ provide you with the most flexible interoperability solution in the market. 

Who We Serve




Health IT Vendors


Composable Thinking

Composable architecture encourages creating business capabilities and technologies in a modular fashion that can be shared and re-used across the enterprise.

Composable Business Architecture

Composable architectures enable the ongoing combination and rearrangement of business elements (such as capabilities, products, and services) in multiple ways, to continually obtain more value as the enterprise grows and adapts to changing goals and priorities.

Composable Technology

Composable architectures fully support the use of APIs, microservices, and other modern technologies in the creation and updating of vital workflows. 

Composable Automation

Composable Automation refers to the discipline of deploying Purpose-Built Components (PBCs) to ensure software components are implemented into workflows and applied across multiple environments in a maintainable fashion. It is crucial for these workflows to be effectively created, configured, deployed, managed, and monitored, so the deployments are supporting a continual evolution into new workflows based on changing business requirements. 



ADT Flow Logic, Care Management App Integration, CDA import

Data Transformation

CDA to FHIR, other healthcare data sources to FHIR

Labs/Vaccinations Workflows

COVID testing, State Reporting, VAX EDW Integration


PAAPI, Provider Directory, Payer to Payer, SDOH (via Gravity RI)

EHR Interoperability

EPIC, Cerner

EDI Transactions

X.12, Logistics, Healthcare 83x, 27x transactions

General & Analytics

File Management, Web Services Utilities, Snowflake, Healthlake

Let’s Get Started

Does your team have data and interoperability Needs?